Privacy Policy

What information do we collect?
When you register on our website, make a purchase, take part in a survey, or fill out a form, we gather details such as your name, email address, credit card information, mailing address, or phone number. Nonetheless, you have the choice to explore our site without revealing personal information.

How do we use your information?
The data we collect is used to tailor your browsing experience, enhance our website's features, improve customer support, securely process transactions, manage contests or promotions, and occasionally send emails. Your email address may also be used to send updates, address inquiries, or resolve any issues.

How do we protect your information?
We employ various security measures, including secure servers and encryption technology (SSL), to safeguard your personal information. Access to your private details is limited to authorized personnel who are bound by confidentiality obligations.

Do we use cookies?
Yes, we utilize cookies to gather data on site traffic and user interactions, enabling us to enhance user experiences in the future. Third-party service providers may aid us in understanding site visitors, but they are prohibited from using collected information for other purposes.

Do we disclose information to third parties?
We do not sell, trade, or transfer personally identifiable information to external parties. Trusted third parties involved in website operations or customer service are required to uphold the confidentiality of this information. However, non-personally identifiable visitor information may be shared for marketing or advertising purposes.

Third-party links
On occasion, we may feature third-party products or services on our website, each with its own privacy policies. We strive to maintain the integrity of our site and welcome feedback regarding linked sites.

California Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance
We comply with the California Online Privacy Protection Act, ensuring that personal information is not shared with external parties without consent.

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance
Our services are intended for individuals aged 13 years or older, and we do not knowingly collect information from those under 13 years of age.

Online Privacy Policy Only
This policy applies solely to information collected through our website, not offline.

Terms of Service
Please review our Terms of Service section for usage guidelines, disclaimers, and liability limitations.

Your Consent
By using this site, you consent to our privacy policy and terms of service. If you do not agree, please refrain from using the site. Your continued use following policy changes indicates acceptance.

Changes to our Privacy Policy
Revisions will be posted on this page, with the updated version effective upon posting. Please bookmark this page and periodically check for updates.

Contacting Us
For inquiries regarding this privacy policy, please use the contact us page on our website.