Welcome to Lung Clear Pro. By using the information, resources, services, products, and tools provided on our website, you acknowledge and agree to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this policy (hereafter referred to as the 'User Agreement'), as well as the terms and conditions detailed in our Privacy Policy.

This agreement becomes effective as of January 1, 2020. We reserve the right to amend this User Agreement without prior notice. It is your responsibility to periodically review this agreement for any updates. Your continued use of the site following any modifications constitutes your acceptance of the revised terms and conditions. Please refer to the bottom of this page for the last updated date.

Responsible Use and Conduct:
When utilizing the information, resources, services, products, and tools provided on our website (hereafter referred to as 'Resources'), you agree to use these Resources solely for their intended purposes as permitted by (a) the terms of this User Agreement, and (b) applicable laws, regulations, and ethical online practices.

You acknowledge that to access our Resources, you may need to provide certain information about yourself during the registration process or while using the Resources. You agree to provide accurate, correct, and up-to-date information at all times.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any login information associated with your account. You are liable for all activities conducted under your account.

Unauthorized access to our Resources is strictly prohibited. You agree not to use any automated, unethical, or unconventional means to access our Resources. Any activity that disrupts or interferes with our Resources is prohibited. Reproduction, sale, or distribution of our Resources without authorization is strictly prohibited.

We provide various communication tools on our website, such as blog comments and forums. While we do not pre-screen or monitor user-generated content, we reserve the right to remove any content that violates our User Agreement or is deemed offensive or harmful.

Content posted using our communication tools becomes our property, granting us a license to use it as we see fit.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Lung Clear Pro, its parent company, affiliates, and personnel, from any losses, expenses, damages, or costs resulting from your violation of this User Agreement.

Your privacy is important to us. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for detailed information on how we collect, manage, and secure your personal information.

Limitation of Warranties:
We provide our Resources on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We do not guarantee that our Resources will meet your needs or be error-free. You understand and agree to assume any risks associated with the use of our Resources.

Limitation of Liability:
Our liability is limited to the amount you paid for our products or services. We are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of our Resources.

All content on Lung Clear Pro, including text, graphics, and logos, is our intellectual property protected by copyright and trademark laws. Unauthorized use of our content is strictly prohibited.

Termination of Use:
We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our website and Resources at our discretion, with or without notice, for any reason.

Shipping & Returns:
For shipping and return policies, please refer to the information provided on our website.

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee on our products. For details, please refer to our guarantee policy.

Unsolicited Commercial E-mail Policy:
We strictly prohibit the use of unsolicited email messages to promote our brand or website.

Dispute Resolution:
Any disputes arising from this User Agreement shall be resolved through confidential arbitration.

Contact Information:
For questions or comments regarding our Terms of Service, please contact us via the provided contact page.